Some Eurovision songs are really not bad. Check out our driving playlist of Eurovision songs, and see if you can resist singing along or having a sneaky boogie to at least one of them.
Dates and Events
Putting the romance back in Valentine's Day
There are countless thoughtful gestures you can make to give your partner a Valentine's Day to remember. Many of them cost nothing more than a little consideration and effort, so there's no excuse not to do more than one nice thing for your better half. Here are a few ideas to get you started.
Christmas gift ideas for drivers in 2023
We've compiled a few Christmas gift ideas for the driver in your life. Researching it helped us with the problem and we hope it will help you too.
Number plate news around the world: November 2023
All countries have some kind of registration plate system for vehicles, but the details of those systems vary widely, as do the physical characteristics of plates and the rules and regulations governing their use. All this variety naturally makes for some interesting news items.
Guy Fawkes Night trivia
While we all have a vague idea of the reasons for our annual habit of setting things alight, there's more to it than we might appreciate. Here are a few things you may not know about gunpowder, the plot, fireworks and the whole kerfuffle.
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